The AJDSP educational software package enables simulation of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) concepts and algorithms on Android mobile phones and tablets. Designed as a standalone app, it utilizes the resources and features of the Android platform in order to create a compelling student learning environment.
AJDSP provides an intuitive multi-touch user interface; DSP simulations can be established as a block diagram using a simple touch-n-drop procedure. All functions in AJDSP are organized as graphical blocks that can be visually added to the main workspace. AJDSP has a rich suite of signal processing functions including signal generators, digital filters, pole-zero and frequency response computation, FIR and IIR filter design algorithms, FFT, plot functions, a sound recorder/player, and many others.
The content of the AJDSP courseware is enriched by incorporating several online multimedia tools such as YouTube videos, interactive presentations, social media discussion forums, a textbook, and other documentation.
This app has been developed for education purposes in the Signal Processing Laboratory of the SenSIP Center at Arizona State University.
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ASU SenSIP, Room GWC 411,
SenSIP Center, ECEE, Box 5706,
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-5706